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Tuesday, November 6, 2007


~ SAW (my thoughts and effect description) ~

This has to be one my favorite Geek magic effects out there! Geek magic is basically the type of magic that deals with the magician getting hurt in a certain way. Let me describe the effect to you from start:
Magician takes out a string (yea thats right a string!), of about 2-3 feet in length
He/She then begins to wrap the ends of the string around his fingers...
They start moving their hands left and right like in a sawing motion and move the string toward the neck...
After lifting the neck you can see the string is definitely about 1/4 inch deep inside the neck...
The magician screeches in pain as he starts to saw the string out of the neck...
You see the string pull against the skin and finally right out of the neck...
There are no scratches on the neck and the magician is still alive!
So there you have it, a description of the effect from start to finish. Of course in writing, this all seems like a bunch of bologna, So I have put a link to my video of the effect HERE. I found this effect after searching for some hard hitting magic (as usual!) and I was blown away from the preview video. The thought of having a string go about 1/4 of a inch deep into your neck with very minimal setup and being extremely angle friendly was a dream come true for me. After viewing the video, I'm sure my readers will find that the name SAW was very fitting for this effect. I knew this was going to be a great effect and after purchasing it I realized I had obtained a gem in magic for a small price.

~ SAW (Teaching from DVD and Practicing) ~

The DVD obviously had lots of work put into it, and it shows. When the menu starts, you hear a sort of eerie violin type song playing in the back ground with a menu of video viewing and video explanations. There are about four versions of this trick as based around the same principle. There is Saw, Stuture, Trachea, and Choke. Saw and Choke are my favorite as they are similar but Choke involves swallowing a life saver and performing Saw, only to end up with the life saver attached to the string after pulling it out of the neck. The DVD is very clear and Sean Fields goes over everything in-depth and he is also very conscious of the dangers that might arise while performing. After watching the explanations, you will have most of your questions answered. Practicing this effect is fun because you practice in front of a mirror and you still wont believe your eyes when you see how visual this effect is. It will not take much practice, but their are some subtleties that you might want to work on for heightening the reactions you're going to get. The difficulty on this effect on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the hardest) would be about a 2 for me. I guess its because I'm a seasoned magician, but to others it might be harder, but definitely not something that is tremendously mind boggling to figure out.

~ SAW (performing and final thoughts) ~

Performing this effect will be extremely fun for you because you can focus most of your time on presentation instead of the effect itself. You will basically be care free for this effect as nothing is likely to be exposed. By focusing on the spectators and the pain itself, you will make it seem as though you are in severe pain. Some like to perform this by being in pain, others like to perform this by staying quiet but really its your choice and basically something that matches your characteristics. I definitely think that magicians into street magic should try this out at least once and give it a shot. It is definitely not an effect for those with weak stomachs so make sure your not puking all over the place when you've seen me perform it. This is a work of art and I really appreciate Mr. Fields for sharing this product with us and letting us use it in our routines,etc. Like all art this should be admired by all magicians and definitely labeled as one of the top 5 effects in Geek Magic. Thanks for reading, Take Care. Peace.

1 comment:

AutumnJones said...

Your really good! im trying to do this trick right now. lol