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Tuesday, November 6, 2007


SpongeBall Magic (Video and Review)

- Sponge balls (and my feelings about them) -
Spongeballs to me, are the most common magic props known to magicians and spectators alike. They are a load of fun to perform, and even more fun to experience the sponge magic. I'd like to review some of the spongeballs I bought from Rogue magic shop but, before I do that check out the video! Sponge Ball Magic! Okay, now for the review!

- Sponge balls (the actual product) -
These spongeballs are very high quality, but that is not always the case. Sometimes you may end up buying the cheap kind of sponge balls that tear easily. I reccomend going to Ellusionist.com for getting some great spongeballs, or if you don't like having to wait for shipping go to Rogue Magic shop. (Rogue Magic Shop) Either one of those sources will also recommend to you a sponge ball booklet to learn the sleights that make the sponge balls so magical. Some worry about the maintenence of these little things, but not to worry! These things are soo soft and small that they will fit into most any pocket you have! Just take them out again when you're set to go. If they start losing their round ball shape, then all you have to do is blow on them and that heat usually brings back their shape.

- Sponge Balls (performing with and difficulty) -
First lets start with difficulty level. For a beginning magician, the sponge balls are highly recommended. Why because they are great tool that helps you get your audiences' attention and build your experience. Just because they are great for a beginning magician does not mean experienced magicians can't use them. I use them and I have been into the magic arts for about 5 years now, its a great effect that never gets old. Most of the sleights are simple enough to master, but presentation is key (which is why you should practice on spectators to get used to it). Performing with them as I said before, is very fun for you. You get to have fun with the spectators and have make the spongeballs multiply, disappear, transform, etc.

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