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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ego Change

- Ego Change (my thoughts) -
What a perfect name for such as great color change. The ego change takes guts to perform in front of spectators, and it takes time to learn the move, and it takes even longer to master the move. I would say that I am still trying to master the move, but it looks great for now. You can view me performing the Ego Change here. When I first saw this color change, I was just stunned by the visual appeal it had. I mean, to have one card change to another card all under the spectators nose while having minimum cover (and might I add, ending up completely clean). That is a miracle to us magicians, a miracle that any seasoned and professional magician would definitely appreciate. All thanks go to DANIEL GARCIA for creating such a stunning, visual change.On to the rest of the review.

- Ego Change (difficulty and patience) -
Okay, let me start this section off by saying that you will need to practice. Before I purchased this effect, I had seen the video and doubted that the mechanics of the move were extremely simple. Although, I am not saying this move is extremely hard either, just takes time and effort to get the move undetectable. You will struggle at first, but soon after it will all fall in place. What I recommend doing is watching videos of others performing the effect, and getting a copy of THE DANIEL GARCIA PROJECT VOL. 1(DVD). Patience is definitely required for a move like this, but it will all be worth it when you have it down.

- Ego Change (performance and final thoughts) -
I have performed this a few times for spectators and they just loved the change. It catches them by surprise if you do it fast. Thats the great thing about this change, you can adjust the move to your style of magic at YOUR speed. Spectators don't know what to expect when you do a change, nor do they even come close to figuring out the move (depending on how well you perform it). I think that every card magician that has some experience with color changes and such should get this move. It can be applied to the Ambitious Card Routine, and any other effects you can think of. Thats it for now. Take Care Guys. Thanks for all your support. Thank you. Take Care. Peace.

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