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Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Ahh yes Fraud created by Daniel Garcia. What a great great effect it is. For those that haven't heard of it heres a break down: You ask a spectator for a dollar bill and tell them to sign the back of the bill. You proceed to talk about how the ink on the bill is permanent and can't be moved...unless you know the magic way. You point to the insignia on the bill and move it right across the bill to the other side.
Talk about hard hitting! I've performed this effect for about two people so far and it has gotten me some great reactions. People have nothing to say at the end, and thus conclude that I'm some sort of freak. This is effect is not for all people though. Meaning that if your not a patient person, this effect will give you nightmares. Fortunately for me, I'm patient(haha sometimes) and I thought the end result far far over weighs the time and effort I had to put into it. I recommend this to any serious magicians out there, but be careful who you perform it to! Click Here to Check out FRAUD
Until next time, take care. Peace.

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