Welcome to MaGiZzYs site, vanish if you must, but reappear next time!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back on the horse...

Hey world, I realized that I haven't posted in a long time, a really long time and decided to get back into the blogging world. I'm going to try and change the perspective of this site, by talking about whacky news topics, people, celebs, and of course magic. Magic will be a regular thing and I hope if you guys have any questions and comments that you'll just spend a few seconds to leave them on my page. I'm going to update everyday at least once a day when I can and I will also be making video blogs about once or twice a week. If you have topic you wanna discuss and want me to talk about, just leave a comment on the chatt box or leave a coment on this post. Thanks in advance to everyone, Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy


13moons said...

Hi. Thanks for your comment on my paintings. I got the canvases from Jerry's Artarama, online. I don't remember how much they were, but it was a good deal in a 9 pack. I've found that they have good prices on canvas and on paints, and are always having a lot of sales.


AutumnJones said...

lol, how did you do that? I love magic.