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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday not Funday

This weekend was really fast, like they all are. I didn't do much except alot of things. This weekend the tutorial was full of kids due to the fact that most of them have some Math exam coming up. Some kids even decided to start doing their science projects at a tutorial, which is not where science projects should be done, with all these kids coming and going, it wastes space. I might start creating another site with my friend soon about Old Man Jenkins and you'll finally get to see who X is, or least be able to hear his voice...haha I'm starting to look for good webcams with audio availability so I can start my video logs for the week. Since I'm starting off, I'll talk about weird news and other topics I hear or read about and stuff that just interests me. Maybe I'll post my video tomorrow, if I can get the audio to work on the camera. Take Care World. Peace. - Magizzy

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