Welcome to MaGiZzYs site, vanish if you must, but reappear next time!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Coin magic is contagious!

Jeez la weez I don't know what I caught or from whom (I'll get you later), but I have been bed ridden for the past 3 days. I'm trying to recover and lets see how long that takes me, wish me luck world! So today I caught a glimpse of the special edition of 20/20 with Siegfried and Roy who did a 10 minute act after about 5 and 1/2 years. Roy had gotten in a terrible accident about 5.5( yea im switching it up 5 point 5) years ago with one of the tigers who bit him in the neck. Blood splattered over Siegfried and the show ended ubruptly and Roy became paralyzed on one side of his body. After about 5+ years he is now recovering against all odds and is able to speak and walk slowly with his long time partner and best friend Siegfried by his side. They perfomed one last time and the 12 million dollars they made for that 10 minute show all went to the brain center. It was really inspirational to see Roy and Siegfried up after what felt like centuries to many, and to see them do the tiger and human transpo like nothing ever happened was just amazing. Well I recorded this video at the beginning of this post the same day of the welcome video, just as a back up if I didn't feel well and I'm gonna use it. I did some edits on it and tell me what you guys think. It's a coin trick that I put together, basically by combining elements from Justin Miller and David Stone, you get this baby... Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

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