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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Weekend full of Mischief and Hard Work

Hey world, just posting for this Saturday and gonna talk about the mischief that I've been up to for the past ...um 3 weeks? Well there is a kid that comes the tutoring center I teach @, for now we will call him X. He is in the 10th grade and goes to highschool and is a very...peculiar boy with one characteristic that makes him malleable: He's gullible! So there is an old man that lives across the street from the tutorial that we call Old Man Jenkins (for reasons I don't know just sounded cool haha), and that he brings out garbage bags and fills them with bodies. Well at least we tell the kids it bodies, until one kid erm...teenager believes that story is real. I'll have to explain in detail what we have convinced this boy of and the "missions" he has to pull off to make Old Man Jenkins satisfied to say the least. Besides that, work was fine slow for me even though about 30 kids came in today. Take care for now, Peace. -Magizzy

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