Welcome to MaGiZzYs site, vanish if you must, but reappear next time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thoughts are unlimited but my brain is limiting me from reaching there...

Hey there world, I hope that you've noticed the new welcome video thats to the right of my blog postings. Check that out for now, I'm thinking about turning that section into video of the week. Or I might just make a new section for videos all together that I will post once or a twice a week. I hope you enjoyed that video but I do want to change it into a better Introduction video and explain what the site has to offer as the days go by and I hopefully build more content. I'm going to try and put some more effort into this blog, because as some of you know the first stages are the hardest. I'll try to upload some interesting videos, you can expect them to be random at times because I'm random at times :P I'm basically looking around and trying to figure out what types of gadgets and accessories will be of use to you guys. Until Next Post. Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

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