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Monday, March 2, 2009

Snowed In

Hello world, today I was snowed in!!! Well not really but the super who is supposed to shovel didn't do it until around night time so I didn't even bother going out. I looked out the window a bunch of times today and saw some kids fall, but the sad part is my camera didn't have charge...By the time I got it charged, it became dark and besides Heroes was on today! I practiced my magic today, well mostly my sleights such as the charlier, one handed charlier, some XCM moves such as sybils and the W.E.R.M. from the Dan & Dave's DVD. I was so bored that I did everything except clean my closet and my shelf. I didnt take a pic of my closet but my shelf, looks like I just moved in today...LoL Take Care world. Peace - Magizzy

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