Welcome to MaGiZzYs site, vanish if you must, but reappear next time!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ahoy Matees!!!?

Hey everyone, still recovering since last Wednesday. Thats one nasty cough wouldn't ya say? I've been going to school lately and just wondering about what I'm going to do with this site. I guess things have been really slow during these past couple days due to my sickness, and I hope to get things moving again. I'm thinking about getting a netbook for about 300 buckaroos so that way I'll be able to update more frequently.
Today I read something in the news that scared the crappers out of me, mainly because I've never seen anything like it before. In Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia there was a Huge Sandstorm that looked like it ate up the city! The pictures on the site look amazingly cool but at the same time you feel bad for all the people that were choking. Imagine for hours and hours your just coughing your ass off, what a horrible way to die. Thank god they had an awareness program going, so there were no incidents.Check out the photos and tell me what you guys think! I'll hopefully have a new magic video up tomorrow so keep an eye out for that. Oh btw the rights to this paper go to dailymail.com, so check out that site too if you guys want some interesting news!
Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, i didnt know about this. im speechless. this is just crazy.