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Thursday, February 26, 2009

$100 Dollar Bill Switch

Hey world, I thought I'd start this blogfest off with the $100 Dollar Bill Switch invented by Vladimir Vladimirov . It's basically an effect in which you show a $1 bill and change it to, yup you guessed it a $100 bill! First lets watch the video, so you get a better idea of what the effect looks like. Enjoy!

Now, I know I look cheesy and every time I watch this video I get the chills lol. I wasn't drunk or on medication, which scares me because thats my normal behavior :). All I need is the scar on my mouth and white powder on my face to get that Joker look.
So the bill switch has been around for ages and was invented in such a way that makes it look very magical. The handling on the effect is a bit iffy at first, but with proper practice it will look flawless. There are some benefits to this effect as it is semi impromptu(meaning it can be done with spectators bill but with a little bit of setup). The cons to this, or I should say only con(if you can call it that), is the fact that the bill is small when chagned. I would prefer the bill to b e in full size view or even half size view while doing the change. All in all this is an awesome old school change that has many applications and the plus side is, it gives your cards a rest! Tc. Until next time. Peace - Magizzy

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