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Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday! Wooo!

Hey world, finally its friday! Time to relax, well at least I get to start earlier than everyone else I have off today (suckaz!). So I just wanted to tell you guys about some weird news I heard over the past week: The links to the following pages at the end of this post, if you'd like to know more about it just click it. I'm just giving my opinion on these stories, and if you guys would like to leave your comments, it would be greatly appreciated :).

-Farm Smell Law-
This story talks about farms, now having to control the odor because it is a disturbance. Wait, so your telling me that farms, have to try and not smell like farms? Thats like asking a homeless guy to not ask money that he can use to buy drugs. Okay its nothing like that, but you get the point. I personally think this law is a waste of time, I mean trying to control a smell in a place that was meant to stink no matter how much u clean. WASTE OF TIME.

-Octomom's Dad Losing It-
We've all heard of octomom, the latest superhero that doesnt do nething except create babies in multiples of 8. Well her dad actually went on the Oprah show to whine about how the media is forcing themselves onto their familys business. So this guy figures that buy going on television, he should complain about how television is intruding in their lives... nice moves gramps. They also go into a little analysis of Nadya (octomoms) photo, and discuss how you can tell she has planned this exploitation out the whole time. Sad, stupid, not super heroic at all.

Links to stories:
Smelly Animal Farm
Super Dad Fails

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