Welcome to MaGiZzYs site, vanish if you must, but reappear next time!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back from another slump

First watch this video and tell me thats not cool!

Okay now that might seem a little weird for you laymen, but for the card workers out there, this is like an encyclopedia. So pull out your credit cards and hope you dont need to skip your mortgage loan to pay for this incredible gift from the gods. This set is just volume 1 and is PACKED with loads of stuff to learn. Even if you know a thing or two , this will return you to your roots and MAKE you want to MASTER those essential moves. Since this is a colossal DVD (almost 4 hours), I will take my time and make a video review of each move. Gotta get some good editing software! So let me start watching and I'll get back to you in a few days with a review! Take Care. Peace.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Still alive folks

Hey guys hows it going? I know I haven't been updating in a while now, but I've been busy with school and life. I'm gonna try coming back into the blogging world again I've been hearing some sick stories on the news lately so I'll be discussing those for sure. And of course I still haven't shown the new trick Pressure yet but I will this weekend so look forward to that. Alright thats in for now, stay tuned. Peace. -Magizzy

Friday, April 3, 2009

Swindled out my apples...

Hey guys, hows it going? Not going to well for me, and instead of writing about it I made a video to let out my frustration. Oh by the way if you use craigslist and ebay and paypal becareful!! I don't want you guys to get scammed like I did...blah my mood is crappy! I'll post the balloon video soon I've been backed up because of this and school. Take Care guys. Peace. - Magizzy

Monday, March 30, 2009

And so the Revolution continues...!

Hey there magic lovers and haters and mortals combined! I'm back with a review for Revolution Coin Vanish created by Kevin Parker. This review will be broken down just like the others, if your lost as to what Revolution is then go to my video from Friday, 27, 2008. If your just too lazy to scroll your ass down, then here is the Ellusionist trailer to this fabulous effect.

On to the Review:

Revolution Coin Magic
created by Kevin Parker
taught by Brad Christian

Effect: No better way for me to explain it so here is what Ellusionist says about this product:
"Ellusionist has raised the bar with this sleeveless, visual, both-hands-empty true vanish of a coin or any small object".

First Thoughts: When I first saw the effect, I was blown away! Seriously it was like Katrina just hit me in the face, thats how much I got blowed...woah too much info. I liked how it looked different from other coin vanishes and wasn't so fast, and went extremely slow which increased its beauty ten fold. It baffled top magicians as well as frying many laymen along the way.

Video Quality and Teaching: I got the download right away, because I'm really impatient when it comes to magic. Nothing new to say here, the download was quick and the quality of the video was "DVD-esque". Taught by Brad Christian who did a mighty fine job of explains the ins and outs of this illusion as well as some very useful tips. I thought for a thirty minute video, the people got a really simple and to the point explanation first, and then some psychological breakdown of the effect was thrown in too. Great teaching.

Method: Woohoo, was this method interesting. When the video finally got to the part about the method, I just laughed. You will too if you purchase this, because the vanish is THAT ingenious, that you'll never ever come near it. No gimmicks, completely impromptu, no devices of any sort just you, your two hands, and some magic. Alot of thought was clearly put into the method, as there are different versions of the effect taught. You are taught to use the Revolution as a utility move to do other types of things such as transpositions (die to coin), and also vanish other small objects.

Final Thoughts: I highly recommend getting this in your arsenal because this is in a league of its own. Revolution was properly named because this is a Revolution from typical fast paced coin vanishes. Thats not to say other coin vanishes are inferior but this effect takes a different approach and succeeds with flying colors. I couldn't go into more detail about what some things Brad goes over because they are borderline exposure. I think with the concept you will learn on the DVD or download, new ideas will definitley spring which is why you have seperate forum for this vanish. I hope you guys enjoyed that review. Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

Friday, March 27, 2009

Its a Revolution!!!

Check Spelling
Hey world, hows it going? Magizzy here with a new vid, well its old but I haven't posted it on my blog or on the magic forums. It's another coin vanish (Don't worry I'll stop with these vanishes soon enough), and its called Revolution. This effect was created by Kevin Parker who did a fantastic job with it by the way. Since teaming up with Ellusionist, Parkers effect has really been one of the most wanted coin vanishes to date. Here's a clip of me performing this effect, Hope you guys and enjoy it and expect a review on this in a few days. Thanks for stopping by, Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Updates, Smupdates...

Just filling you guys in on the updates going on in the site, and if you have any suggestions and would like to share em let just leave a comment. I'm trying to get music on here, and I'm not sure if I'll put like a automatic background song or a music player in which you can choose what to play. Either way its giving me a chance to review some html that I have forgotten from way back when! I think I might have to change the view of the site completely as in put different sections for different stuff. Lots of learning ahead, everyday new stuff! Stay tuned peeps!! Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Illegel Powdered Stuff

Hey guys hows it going? I just found some funny articles online and thought I'd share em with you.
Wow...what your going to read won't shock you but will make you question the kind of brains that exist in this world. Lets start with the story about two men who stole a secret formula. Not from KFC but from actually baby formula. You read that correctly, BABY FORMULA. These intelligent gentlemen planned on selling this formula and using the cash to buy good ole drugs, wait there not prescription drugs. Seriously, people have stooped so low as to sell things associated with life, love and happiness such as baby items? Now the next time you baby formula for your kid, ask yourself where the money is going to...These two smarties ended up getting a $500+ fine.
Speaking of smarties, you know the candy smarties? Its like little cylindrical packet of about 10 "pill" sized sweet candies. Guess what? A Middle School in Colorado is full of little buggers who instead of snorting this stuff in, blow it out of their noses. The point of this is to basically either compare it to other drugs, freak out your elders, or you're just stupid. The article goes on to say that this doesn't seem to be harmful but could cause maggots to form in the nostril or lung area. This school has had previous reports of this stuff with mentos and other shit. Clearly the education system in Colorado is suffering...Hope you enjoyed these stories, I'm gonna get me some smarties now...Take Care. Peace. -Magizzy
Secret Formula
Smarties Attack