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Monday, March 23, 2009

"Gone" but not Forgotten

Finally the long overdue review for the effect Gone created by Ryan Lowe. Overall I think this effect is strong considering it is a vanish, and with proper practice can look like real witchcraft! With some thought, I realized that this effect is practical because you can borrow a coin from the spectators. If you haven't seen the video of me doing the effect its HERE, and for those too lazy to click I embedded the actual DVD trailer :

On to the review:

Gone by Ryan Lowe

Effect: Obtain a coin, from your own collection or from a spectators and proceed to vanish it with a simple wave of the hand. This effect has been taught in detail by creator Ryan Lowe, with tips as well as other handling options.

First Thoughts: Before buying this effect, I was thinking of really elaborate methods to vanish the coin. I thought this was too good to be true, and completely dumbfounded when both sides of the hand were shown in the trailer. How could something just vanish into the air with a simple wave of the hand, and then you clearly show both sides of your hand with all fingers extended? Awesomeness.

DVD and Teaching: I thought the DVD quality was great and on par with those of Ellusionist, well not that on par but close. I thought Lowe explained the information well and taught clearly enough for me to understand. The DVD seemed short for me, as I wish he would have gotten more in detail but with the information provided you won't be clueless at all. You are also taught several variations of the trick with the same core principles as you move along. Being able to vanish from the side, the front, with hands far apart as you do a semi dance move like in the trailer.

Method: The method to this effect is absolutely gutsy in my opinion and that's what me me love it. For me at least, this method was a little out of the box because I never thought I could used certain tools in this manner. The gimmick, which you have to make yourself, will last you anywhere from 30-40 performances if handled with care or even longer. I won't go into detail about how easy the gimmicks are to find or all that extra bullshit, that people use to find out how the effect is done.

Final Thoughts: This effect is one that you can use as an opener and is definitely a nice way to get spectators "hooked." I learned from the method and teaching that you need to rethink how everything works. Meaning that whatever you accomplish with a certain object can be used to accomplish something different. I have looked through many things at home and tried to find different uses for them, and I have found two or three things that I think will help me create new effects. I hope you guys found this review helpful and thanks for stopping by. Take Care. Peace. - Magizzy

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